Are Pesticides Safe for The Environment?

summerWe all, despite our differences, live in and share one world. This is why so many people are attempting to take care of it. We have to, because when this world is beyond repair, we cannot get a replacement. With that, we are also trying to maintain a delicate balance that includes trying to solve the problems that we have with the Earth, without causing more damage than we can repair. One example of this comes in the form of pest control. Virtually everyone hates insects, but are pesticides safe for the environment?

The Problem with Pests

horsefly bitesIn general, pests are an annoyance that can sometimes cause painful, itching bites. They are most commonly an issue during the spring and summer months when we all want to get into the great outdoors and spend a little time enjoying life on our planet. These insects spread diseases and prevent us from doing the things that we love because no one wants to get bitten. Some people also have allergies that get worse when bitten. A yellow fly or a horsefly bite can swell some people up very bad. The effects of these bites can be very bad, depending on where the bite takes place. We have the option of spraying repellents on ourselves, but then we also have to wonder if it is good for our skin and body to do so. What do we really need to do?

Keeping Earth Safe

kids playing outsideThere is a concern that if all homeowners start spraying pesticides, we will end up causing more damage than good. There are a lot of chemicals in many of the sprays that we use and depend on. Is there a good option if you want a mosquito killer spray? The answer to this is, “yes”. It is a killer spray like this that is able to get rid of the insects without causing damage to all who are exposed to it. It is also a better choice for the environment, especially if you use it alongside of other pest control options.

Take Back Your Summer Life

Other pest control options include keeping damp leaves picked up, ensuring you do not have standing water nearby, and more. If you eliminate insect homes, breeding areas, and more; you are going to be finally taking a stand against them. With a little effort, you can win. This will enable you to get back into the great outdoors where you want to spend your summer months. You will be able to go swimming without concerns about bugs coming to sip from your pool and potentially bite you. You can host a backyard barbecue without worry that you will spend the entire evening scratching those itchy bites. You can sit in a hammock and read a good book without worry about gnats or Noseeums swarming around your face. It will be freedom from all things that may be “bugging” you, and you can enjoy it throughout not only the summer months, but all other seasons as well. Are you ready to enjoy summer again?